19. Jun 2024


    Transit times:
    The transit times from Far Eastern to Europe has been increased drastically during the last 2-3 weeks. Currently transit times of up to 12 weeks are occurring (usually approx. 6 weeks).

    Booking situation:
    Short time bookings are not available. The lead-time is at least 4 weeks at the moment. Important pivotal points, as Singapore are congested and will be omitted partly.
    Due to this situation sometimes bookings will be cancelled by the shipping companies, or long waiting times on the ports occur, which increases the transit times even more.

    Price situation:
    During the last 2-3 weeks the prices increased enormously. Fixed prices will not be given in advance. If the dispatch is delayed to the next month, rates are valid in the shipping month will be invoiced, regardless on the rate at which the booking was made.
    Further increases for July are expected.

    European ports:
    The handling on the European ports are congested as well. This leads to changes in routing and increased transit times, also.
    Strikes in the last few weeks (HH+BHV) have made this situation even worse.

    We ask you to take these developments (longer transit times and higher freight costs)
    into account in your planning urgently.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    We will be here to help and support you.

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